
If your goal is a toned, healthy-looking silhouette, consider the muscle-building power of Emsculpt® at Mudgil Dermatology. Emsculpt is the only procedure to help both women and men build muscle and sculpt their bodies. Board-certified dermatologist Adarsh Vijay Mudgil, MD, provides the innovative nonsurgical treatment to build and tone abs, buttocks, thighs, and biceps — with no downtime. The practice is conveniently located in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City and Long Island, New York. Call either office today or schedule your consultation online.

What is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is an innovative technology to help women and men sculpt their bodies and build muscle. Emsculpt works by triggering powerful muscle contractions that far exceed the voluntary contractions your muscles make when you work out.

The intense, super-charged contractions force your muscle tissues to respond by producing a deep remodeling of the inner tissue structure — to build and sculpt your body.


What parts of my body does Emsculpt treat?

Mudgil Dermatology offers the noninvasive system to build and tone many areas of your body, including your:

  • Buttocks
  • Abs
  • Thighs
  • Biceps

During your consultation at Mudgil Dermatology with Dr. Mudgil, you can discuss the areas you’d like to tone with Emsculpt.


How is Emsculpt different than body sculpting treatments?

Current noninvasive body-shaping therapies only address fat and skin, neglecting the underlying muscle that gives you the fit, tone appearance you want. These treatments fall short of improving the tone and shape of your buttocks, tummy, and other areas.

Emsculpt, unlike conventional body sculpting treatments, targets your underlying muscles. The result? A more toned silhouette — without downtime or invasive surgery.


How long does Emsculpt treatment take?

Emsculpt generally takes only 30 minutes. Mudgil Dermatology providers recommend a minimum of four sessions scheduled two to three days apart, although your exact treatment plan is tailored to your specific aesthetic goals.


What does Emsculpt treatment feel like?

Treatments are not painful. Instead, Emsculpt feels like a hard-core workout.

Emsculpt is noninvasive and requires no special preparation. During your treatment session at Mudgil Dermatology, you can lie down and relax.


When do I see results from Emsculpt?

Most patients experience noticeable results right after their treatment, although results vary. You should expect to see a positive improvement in your muscle tone about two to four weeks after your final treatment session.

As time passes, your muscle tone continues to improve several weeks following your treatments. Dr. Mudgil discusses the exact results you may expect from Emsculpt during your initial consultation at Mudgil Dermatology.

Are you looking for a more fit, shapely appearance without surgery? Call Mudgil Dermatology today, or book a consultation online to learn more about the muscle-building advantages of Emsculpt.


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